P.O. Box 2245, Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu – 30, Nepal   4517355   9860569935‬   9860569935‬


21 AGM 21st Shree Sahara Nari Chetana Skill

The 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shree Sahara Nari Chetana Skill cooperatives concluded with great success. At the AGM, progress reports were shared with both members and guests, and special recognition was given to SEE topper child members, senior members , and the top-performing loan members. Moreover, members had the opportunity to showcase their achievements and performances. Some Glimpse […]

WACN - Bathanchowk

The program implementation contract is signed between Bethanchok Rural Municipality and Nari Chetana Kendra Nepal (WACN). We are embarking on the “Modern Energy Cooking Services” project in Nepal, which aims to promote efficient cooking methods by creating a sustainable supply chain and fostering increased demand for these practices. नारी चेतना केन्द्र नेपालले संचालन गरिरहेको विभिन्न कार्यक्रममा बेथानचोक गाउँपालिकाको सहकार्यमा आगामी

Namabuddha Municipality, Kavre, and Nari Chetana Kendra Nepal (WACN) have entered into an agreement

Namabuddha Municipality, Kavre, and Nari Chetana Kendra Nepal (WACN) have entered into an agreement to execute the “Modern Energy Cooking Services: Accelerating the Adoption of Efficient Cooking Practices in Nepal by Establishing a Sustainable Supply Chain and Stimulating Demand” project. नारी चेतना केन्द्र नेपाल र नमोबुद्ध नगरपालिका बीच आधुनिक उर्जामा खाना पकाउने सेवाहरु/दिगो आपूर्ति शृङ्खला र माग उत्तेजना शृजना गरेर


तेमाल गा.पा ५ गिम्दी,हिजो देखिको अविरल बर्षा ( प्रतिकुल मौसम) को बावजुत पनि आज मिति २०८० साल साउन २८ गते आइतबारको दिन नारी चेतना केन्द्र नेपालको आयोजना, Thausand currents को सहयोग र सबल नारी चेतना कृषि सहकारी सस्था सानो गिम्दिको समन्वयमा सहकारीमा आबद्ध दिदिबहिनीहरुलाई बाख्रा, दाना र भिटामिन तथा औषधिहरु बितरण गरिएको छ । सो कार्यक्रमको केहि झलकहरु यस प्रकार

Today on Ashar 18, 2080, Nari Chetana Kendra Nepal (WACN) organized a planning workshop with the purpose of enhancing the institutional capacity of Shree Ashapuri Nari Chetana Skill Cooperative Ltd. in Banepa-13, Kavre. There was active participation from the Board of Directors, the Accounts Supervision Committee, and the Credit Sub-Committee. Facilitating the workshop was Mr. Bibek Raj Thakuri from National

Today on Ashar 23, 2080, Nari Chetana Kendra Nepal (WACN) hosted a planning workshop aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of Shree Nari Jagaran Saving and Credit Cooperative Ltd. located in Banepa-4, Kavre. The event witnessed enthusiastic involvement from the Board of Directors, the Accounts Supervision Committee, the Credit Sub-Committee, and the staff. Leading the workshop was Mr. Bibek Raj

Nari Chetana Kendra held a special program on March 8th in honor of the 102nd celebration of International Women’s Day. Participants shared the accomplishments and challenges of Nepalese women through song, poem, speech, and dance. The aim of the program was to encourage women in their pursuit for women’s right to justice and equality. A ceremony also took place for Prativa

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